New projects and new paths

I know, I know. It’s been so long since I’ve offered an update here or even on any of my social media accounts.

But in the same way many of us have given ourselves permission to take care of ourselves during our sobriety journey I’ve needed time to intentionally set a path for the next chapter.

In the past year I’ve had a career transition to a new position, I’ve been traveling again for the first time since 2019, I’ve had changes in family dynamics and both my spouse and I are moving through education programs.

Oh, and I’ve been working on writing a book as well.

Sometimes as new things come into our view other things have to be set aside – and for me writing here and engaging actively on social media had to be set to the side for a bit in order to carve space for these other changes.

I’m writing right now on the flight back from the kickoff weekend in Brooklyn of the Mindfulness Collaboratory program with the Pratt Institute I’ll be participating in for the next 15 months. The program focuses on, “contemplative leaders setting intentions to create resilient artistic communities through individual meditation skill share, collective support, and mindful leadership.”

During that time I’ll be working on my book as well – tentatively titled “Advice to Young Creatives: A holistic approach to your artistic journey”

The book delves into advice I wish I’d been given as a young creative – some of it practical – and some of it moreso about personal boundaries and non monetary creative practice. It also talks about different kinds of professional situations many creative find themselves in and how to move forward, how to cultivate relationships both professional and collaborative, and even some advice for folks just starting out on their journey in choosing a creative path in college (or what to do if you decide not to go to college but want to pursue a creative path).

The book will have artwork and writing prompts – and my hope is that it offers a safe and kind landing place for young people to begin and plan their journeys and the tools to sustain them.

The writing and artwork I’ve been doing here over the past few years has laid the foundation for the project and I’m excited to delve into it even more over the next year as I start to shop it to publishers.

pink and purple watercolor area above a picture of people looking up at the sky with the text "how do you define success" handwritten above them

I also realized that this past December was 8 years since my sobriety journey stared in earnest. This coming week I’m going to go onto the City Cast Las Vegas podcast to talk a bit about that. I’ve been reflecting this week on the changes I’ve felt as the early weeks and years get smaller in the rearview mirror. I’ve had time to create new habits, become a parent, we’ve all lived through a pandemic and racial reckoning – in some ways sobriety feels like small potatoes. But for me it was a key that unlocked all the other growth.

I’ll try to keep y’all posted along the way – and in the meantime – I’m wishing you all a restorative 2023.