Free Downloadable 2022 Calendar

For the past few years I’ve created a 100% free calendar which becomes available annually to celebrate Buy Nothing Day

You can download the 2022 calendar by clicking here.

You can choose to either use the PDF digitally or print it on your own!

Dear Friends,

I want 2022 to be a year of hope.

I know we’ve seen so many dark days, but we’ve made it through to the other side.

We’ve sat with sadness and found joy.

We’ve problem solved and asked for help.

We’ve tried to make this world a better place and opened our hearts to change.

We’ve realized that in order to have growth, we have to ask ourselves questions that make us uncomfortable.

I hope this calendar in the new year helps you move towards your best self – not a self that hides from nuance or complicated issues, but one that embraces questions and kindness.

With Love,

Kim aka Sober in Vegas

Happy sobering in 2022 my friends!